Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Shake Well before Drinking

New blog layout!
I know how I've been saying I needed to get a new layout, refresh the page a bit. This one's a big more ME, and it isn't dark and scary, I feel good about it :)
I'm off to Tali tomorrow, which is a beach for those who don't know. Gio says were going even if a tsunami hits, ahha. I'm looking forward to it but I'm also worried I'm gonna be left out cause all the girls will have their boys, and the rest are Gio and his friends. :/
Will update my little blog world after I get back.
xx, pray that I get a tan!


alcie said...

finally someone who wishes for a tan... fingers crossed jo! have fun :) and i love the new layout.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE your new layout
anyway enjoy tali!
ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY theyre all nice folks im pretty sure you wont feel left out! :)

your favourite sinner. said...


ahahahahaha. isn't that laughable.
We'll go to the beach when I'm there, you'll get a tan.

I'll lather on the sunblock.

OMGia! said...

HAHAHA. the colors of your rainbow are messed up, woman!:)))))
teehee. kidding. i love you joaaaaaannaaaa